Sunday 25 March 2007

A Pussy Cats Pleasure

I have been working in my garden today, the weather was really beautiful. It reminded me of a thing that happened to me a couple of years ago.
I just moved in to my flat, when suddenly my Ginger cat disappeared for a few days. It's the only one of the cats that can jump high enough to get over the garden wall and go for a walk in the neighbours gardens.
Panic started to spread around, as the cat hadn't been home for almost three whole days. I walked from door to door in the street, asking people to look in their gardens. As I rang the doorbell of the only neighbour left that I hadn't spoken to, a drunk guy opened his door. My beseeching eyes meant nothing to him, begging him if I could have a look in his garden and call for the cat.
'Stupid rambling cats', he said, 'Good thing they only live for a year or two and then they are wasted !'
I almost burst into tears in the middle of the street, begging him again if I could just have a short look into his garden. His heart melted.
'No, I don't like people coming into my house, but you know what, give me your phone number, and I'll call you as soon as I see your cat', he lisped.
So desperate me, I gave a description of the cat and the number of my mobile.
Shouldn't have done that ! ! ! I really shouldn't !
The cat reappeared a few days after I posted little notes in every one's mailbox. He was dirty as a chimney sweeper, the white bits of fur being gray from dust. Probably been locked into somebodies shed or something like that.
During that weekend, my friend Thomas and me were enjoying the sun in my garden, as suddenly my mobile rang :
'Hullo, it's your neighbour speaking here,' a blurry voice shouted, 'I can see your pussy now !'
The drunk was standing in his garden, shouting very loud, so even Thomas could hear him. He didn't notice us also standing outside.
' I can see your pussy now !', he shouted again, 'I'm almost able to touch and pet it!'.
My friend was already rolling on the floor with laughter, as I tried to reply to the man as polite as possible. I told my friendly neighbour to 'please do not touch' my pussy and that I gave it a collar already, so he could recognize it from the real vagabond cats.
He's ever so friendly since, always giving me a nod and saying my name when we pass each other in the street.
Comforting thought to have such caring neighbours !


Unknown said...

I don't get it.
Why was it a mistake to give your number?
Did he actually say the two-meaning-word "poesje"?

Faluche said...

He really really DID use that word, my dear brother ... I'm not changing the phrases, ask Thomas, he can confirm. Also the 'touching your pussy' part, ieuwwww !